Grass-like plants are important and problematic agricultural weeds in the New York State. In general, they are hard to control due to their aggressive growth habits. Outlined below are the commonly seen grass species in NYS. The type of crop system they impact the most is listed next to their name. A photo gallery is also included for visual reference to guide your search.
Problem Weeds
Barnyardgrass (vegetables and field crops)
Cheatgrass, or chess grass (field crops, winter grains)
Crabgrasses species:
Smooth crabgrass (small fruits)
Large crabgrass (small fruits, vegetables, field crops)
Foxtail species (ALL small fruits, vegetables, field crops):
Green foxtail
Giant foxtail
Yellow foxtail
Johnsongrass (field crops)
Orchardgrass (small fruits)
Fall panicum (small fruits, vegetables, and field crops)
Switchgrass (sweet corn)
Witchgrass (small fruits and field crops)
Quackgrass (small fruits, vegetables, and field crops)
Roughstalk bluegrass (field crops)
Ryegrass species:
Italian ryegrass (field crops)
Perennial ryegrass (vegetables)
Tall fescue (small fruits)
Wirestem muhly (field crops)
Woolly cupgrass (field crops)
Yellow nutsedge (all crop types)
See the gallery below for a visual representation of the above species. Then click on the links above to view your species of interest.
Leaves of cheat grass
Leaves of cheat grass (B. secalinus). Bruce Ackley, The Ohio State University,
Roughstalk bluegrass flower head
Roughstalk bluegrass panicle. Photo by Joseph M. DiTomaso of UC-Davis, via